Friday, July 28, 2023

A letter I wrote yesterday.

Thank you again for the time you provided me. I apologise if you think it was wasted. I hope you don't think this. Clique Space of course is the product of the best I can do. Googling "Owen Thomas Clique Space" should demonstrate a presence: I have told you about my ideas, I have code, I have a blog, I have other published material. I have left a footprint in this world. I would like this world to recognise me for leaving this footprint before I go. I would like to think I lived among people who might have done their best to help me develop my ideas, and if on the odd chance they were worth anything, to assure I would be, as anyone might rightfully be, recognised for having them before they died.

I really do hope Clique Space isn't picked up after I'm dead; I do not want posthumous accolades - everyone hates the thought that they might be ignored by others only to receive recognition after one's opportunity to capitalise on it had passed. That thought does not encourage people in general to do things like I'm doing. Posthumous recognition is not the point to all this.

I hope that if you have truly spoken to anyone about our encounter, and they have reported any intent in getting in contact with me, you may remind them that they really would be doing nothing wrong if they were to act on their intent. I can confidently say that I have no idea whether you, me, people you have spoken to about me, nor anyone else truly knows whether my ideas actually amount to anything right now.

If the people you have spoken to think they know what I'm doing, and if they think it has already been done, then, if I had time to speak or write to them, I could find out if their opinion was given from a position of authority. This is much better than silence.


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