Sunday, October 17, 2010

The unknown known and how some people suck.

I'm listening to a broadcast from the US National Public Radio taken from a feed of the Australian national broadcaster (ABC) about how ideas and concepts involve networks and the building of ideas on top of one another. Apparently, this is innovation.

Personally, I think a lot of what is being said on this program are ways to rationalise reasons for why the individual has no claim to one's ideas. It's all a big hippy free love thing. Anyway, to steer me back to the point of my topic... I am updating the count of the types of knowledge... there is relevance in the fourth: the unknown known.

That is, there are those facts we know; there are those facts we know we don't know; there are those facts we don't know we don't know. I also include facts that we don't know that we know. It is this fourth fact that yields epiphany, and is heralded as innovation.

I believe that for several years before the winter of 2004 when I joined the dots whilst jogging, I had the requisite pieces of the Clique Space(TM) concept in my mind; all that remained was my realisation that they were coherent. So, I had been working on Clique Space for some time - I remember wistfully mulling over various pieces of concept soon after my stupid boss's boss roused me out of his office when he couldn't give me a reasonable justification for vetoing my boss's approval for me not to have to commute to Sydney 5 days per week.

People can really suck. But their suckiness can drive inspiration. However, that suckiness can also rid the individual of their claim to their own inspiration, and assign this inspiration to something called a 'network'.

Some people can act most perniciously.

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