Thursday, December 29, 2011

Clique Space(TM) Progress Report.

As of about five minutes ago, I just completed an iteration that involved re-implementing the Agent Device's disengage operation. Hopefully, these things are relatively stable and I can finally approach the Agent Collaboration's pulse message.

It is worthy of note that the engage and disengage operations differ in rather strange and curious ways. The engage operation is reciprocal: there are somewhat symmetrical programmatic structures in place for engaging Agent Devices; one for the initiator, and the other for the responder. On the other hand, the disengage operation is recursive; the same method that is called on the responder in reply to the initiator's request is called again on the initiator in reply to the responder's actions. Of course, the recursion stops at the initiator on the disengage call-back. Just how the engage/disengage operations are implemented is rather complex (it could be more complex than it needs to be), but I have tried to be as straightforward as I could. The code might be more complex than it needs to be because I travelled down a few blind alleys, and may not have completely removed work-around code when I could revisit it to put in the intended code after covering incidental issues. It might be the simple case that I was in a reciprocal mood when completing the implementation of engage operation and in a recursive mood for the disengage operation.

Maybe one day, if the implementation becomes open source in some way, a million or so brains will pack down the footprint.

Looking good...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Some sense from this morning's dreaming.

In the morning he awoke!... suddenly; transfixed on a vivid dream (one for which he hesitated to label a nightmare) about the deprivation wrought by his mother's inevitable descent into senility; about the consequent loneliness which would render him truly disabled. He discarded the thing that drew metaphor as he lie there only half conscious - brought into life by this same thing that drew his possible future into his present moments. It was a warm summer's morning; too warm for a quilt which, for lack of a bed sheet, he had draped over his soon-to-be middle-aged but otherwise well-fed frame. Time, after only three and a half hours of sleep, to get up. Time to peer at his computer to watch the unfolding kaleidoscope of his own creation; that prism of infinite beauty, of infinite strangeness that he at least thought was infinitely beautiful and strange.

He hesitantly embraced his dream for he had been taught by experience not to respond to the echoes of promises long ago formed. These promises - the ones that similar dreams said would boldly rescue him from his inevitability - contort his life into anathema. In time, and by the actions of intent, these promises would evolve: evolve to something that might save him from his inevitability; evolve to something which might at least distract him long enough perhaps for him to remain ignorant of how screwed up his life had become before inevitability would wash his cares for life away; evolve to reveal to him the banality of the pursuit for distraction; evolve in time to become that which, for want of his childhood comfort - a comfort that could have sprung from an accident in late childhood - he desperately avoided; evolve to have no meaning beyond a beautiful and strange anathema: something he foresees making no discernible difference at all to his inevitability.

Long since become a man in at least the physical sense, his mind was awash with the cynical intent of too many other men (and perhaps a few women). Perhaps some of these individuals had only a wish for his happiness as their intent; but apart from his mother (and his father - he hesitates to use the word "perhaps" because it is at least his father as much as it is his mother), one simply cannot lift this nature from their actions. His kaleidoscope still flashes its images of infinite beauty in his head; images which he still feels compelled to form sentences with and implement code on honour of. His mind is still seeing promises; promises without delivery; promises that an outwardly capricious though inwardly patient world of razor sharp intent might, he reckons, want him to make to himself as a child. The promises he observes now feed a desire to remake his world - a world of hedonism; of compulsory consumerism; of the paradox of inescapable slavery expected of him from the society in which he exists. He wants his world to become a world of silence without loneliness; of an individual's freedom to have his command to "go away" be respected. As a child, these promises were made to him (are made to children still) because of the power they have to enslave. He hadn't grasped the cudgel of family life - perhaps he was too scared; perhaps he understood too much of the promises' origin - so perhaps society's promises were over-made to him. He almost feels resigned to this as the natural order of society. He thinks the use of the word "almost" is an important distinction to make as to the state of his mind on the matter.

Quids are played without the pro quo's that he hesitates to think he is entitled to because he questions whether he has truly offered anything to the society in which he exists. Such an uncertainty as whether his quid deserves a pro quo might be the tool a society uses to get him to deliver more and expect less in return. He examines his conscience, and comes to the conclusion as a 37 year old man, that he has tried his best.

He is now, perhaps, almost willing to accept an hypothesis that the accident from his late childhood may have contributed significantly to the current circumstances. Even with the certainty that tales of one Kurt Friedrich Gödel gave him, his work still needs to be... complete. What better way to complete this work than without the distractions of societal expectation? Why now, he asks himself, reclined in his comfy chair of philosophical lugubriousness that his disability pension pays for, would he want to sacrifice these circumstances for even an hour per week of part-time telework? Why now when society might pay for his work's completion? Why, indeed, would he want to sacrifice his pension for the promise to see the wealth that the completion of his work could render unto him?

He reacquaints himself to his philosophy about promises.

He completes his blog entry, wishing the world would go away, but perhaps is almost resigned to the probable inevitability that it might not do this just yet. Maybe his resignation is, in a way, an attempt to fend off the wolf of loneliness at his door. This man hopes that inevitabilities unfold in their appropriate sequence and through appropriate circumstance.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Clique Space(TM): appropriation without consideration?

Before I embarked on proving my idea in July 2008, I asked myself what chance was there for me, an individual who has neither strong connections with nor direct access to people with means to help develop Clique Space, to have my claim to my idea recognised as such by the society within which I exist? By what means am I, one person in this world without direct access to appropriate legal measures, able to defend myself against others who may come to desire the appropriation of my idea?

There doesn't appear to be much I can do. I've got to tell others what I am doing, or no one will know. I've got to disclose enough of my idea to others so that an interest may be generated. I have to do this with the hope that the interest I may generate returns a consideration for my endeavours at a future point in time.

Hence, I have disclosed and re-disclosed my concept. The fact that this world has not registered much of an overt interest over these repetitive disclosures might be frustrating to a younger Owen Thomas. Yet as a 37 year old man, I have come to bare witness to an ocean of astonishingly perverse frustration wrought by the collective action of others. Whether borne of ignorance, sentimentality, perniciousness , fatalism, hubris, or a combination of all of these origins, the machinations one feels the world capable of exacting on me might consume the invention and me as its inventor in a whirlpool of frustration. I hope philosophical detachment might be enough to keep my sanity should these wrong things be done to me.

So, I've got to do my best to steer away from this inevitability. Disclosing, re-disclosing, and re-disclosing again is in a way, an attempt of mine to openly lay claim to these ideas. This blog, and everything else that I might put in the public domain are attempts by me to rid any with malicious intent simply appropriating this idea. I've done my best, with a PCT in January 2008, and national phase registration in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States a year after, to enshrine the idea in patent form. I simply didn't have enough money to register in other jurisdictions before the PCT period lapsed; the cost was about 15 thousand dollars to get what I got.

I intend to continue disclosing my concept, and any future significant progress I make in my implementation. I simply appear to have no other protection against appropriation without consideration. It would be the right thing to do if others, inspired by my concept, would get back to me. It would just be the right thing to do.

While my implementation is my property, and my implementation still remains to be legitimately disclosed in the public domain, distribution of my property amongst others with the capability to help me develop it is a condition for which I am willing to negotiate.

Hence, you needn't try to figure out what I have put together by reading my public disclosures; it won't be as profitable a proposition for you than approaching me would be. I believe I will shortly be able to demonstrate that I have done it. In the next months, I believe I will be able to demonstrate that my concept works. As far as I know, your understanding of my concept may still lack salient features, facts which I consider trivial, and have glossed over. Being that I cannot read your mind, I cannot know what you need to know. I think it would be easier for you to talk to me, and together, we can work out how to deliver Clique Space to a global market.

Early this year, I disclosed much of the functionality of Clique Space in this Oracle forum. In this particular example of a disclosure as with any other disclosure that I have made, I am attempting simply to elicit interest in it by people for whom I consider may have the ability to help in some way; coders, especially Java coders, being my target in the Oracle forum.

Before I finish. I note that this week's blog activity shows quite a few page views coming from Russia. I dare not follow links of referring sites lest they contain something undesirable. If some one or more people from Russia wish to know more about Clique Space, I would sincerely welcome their getting in contact with me.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

What it's all about.

Everything a device. Everyone an individual.

Clique Space(TM) makes it possible because of self reference.

It could be Haiku, but probably not.

OPTUML: A Slightly Saner UML

Introducing OPTUML. It stands for Owen Paul Thomas's UML. Here, I talk about a difference in OPTUML class diagrams to the whatever other UML standard says is true.

A slightly saner version of UML (1 or 2 - who cares) that rids the developer of the rectangular interface from their class diagrams. That's right, all interfaces now use a circle - they use a larger circle if they list information such as method names. One needn't use a circle that encloses their interface's contents because this is almost impossible to do. One draws their circle large enough to make it clear to the viewer that they are looking at an interface, and reserves philosophical resignation about the dilemma of intersecting lines.

In addition, dashed lines on block-arrows indicating an implements relationship have now been filled in; you know you are implementing an interface when you see a block-arrow that starts at a rectangle and points to a circle instead of a rectangle which, by virtue of the fact that all circles are interfaces and all interfaces are circular in OPTUML, now exclusively means you are extending a class.

A block-arrow that starts at a rectangle and points to a rectangle indicates a class (to which the arrow is pointing) is being extended by the class where the arrow originates. Likewise, a block-arrow that starts at a circle and points to a circle indicates that an interface (to which the arrow is pointing) is being extended by the interface where the arrow originates. Block-arrows originating from circles do not point to rectangles; this is officially naughty.

Abstract and final classes are indicated by an "abstract" or "final" stereotype (in guillemets, which I can't do using greater than and less than signs in HTML, and couldn't be bothered finding the characters in unicode or whatever - curse HTML; curse everything). Abstract classes remain rectangular because they are still classes... in Java at least. I have dismissed multiple inheritance because I am currently programming in Java and find the singular inheritance thing much simpler.

Because interfaces can extend multiple superinterfaces, more than one block-arrow can originate from a circle whereas (because Java says a class cannot extend multiple classes) only one block-arrow can originate from a rectangle. I love OPTUML.

I decree these rules now be adopted by the software development industry at large.
Everything else in OPTUML is sweetness and light, unless I stumble onto something else in UML that gives me the shits!

Make it so.

PS: I don't love Java any more than I am repulsed by multiple inheritance
; these things certainly do not give me a hernia.

PPS: Call me the great revisionist. I think I have stopped now.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Another letter...

Firstly, my apologies go to Ray Kurzweil for naming him as the person to which the letter quoted herein was sent. I'm going back on earlier statements that I wouldn't do this because I didn't think it polite to do so, but I only wish here to point out that I have written to him about my concept. Any personal reply Mr Kurzweil makes to my letter will be treated as a personal reply.

This letter is also quoted because it restates the objective of Clique Space(TM) from possibly another vantage point. Explanations of what Clique Space is might not paint a picture in large brush-strokes so much as empty a large bucket of paint on the reader.

Here it is:
  • Hello Mr Kurzweil

    I was interested in a recent interview you had with an Australian journalist and thought you might be interested in what I'm doing.

    I believe I have come up with a way to construct a software system which behaves exactly like a nervous system. I've called it Clique Space. A Clique Space is composed of a cluster of one or more Agent Devices. There is no theoretical limit to the number of collaborating Agent Devices in a Clique Space, and I assert that each Agent Device functions like a neuron. A logical structure similar to a synapse is created when one Agent Device engages another. Message units called Elements are passed around and between clique Spaces through a packaging mechanism somewhat similar in logical consequence to neurotransmitters. Although all this has been merely a coincidence of necessity, I think the coincidence is curious.

    I assert that this system will be able to model (and may even control) any device which is capable of connecting to and exchanging state information with an Agent Device in a Clique Space and represent this activity as some activity of an individual autonomous sentience which has claimed possession of a collection of devices thus connected. The interactivity of devices is modelled and perhaps controlled (limited by the way the particular device functions) as Cliques where each Participant represents an individual operator. As Agent Devices are themselves just a device, the way Agent Devices are modelled and controlled is no different to the way any device is ultimately modelled and controlled in a Clique Space; hence a Clique Space can be (and is) modelled within itself or another Clique Space as a Clique.

    I appear to be a shunned inventor, and although I have been trying to elicit interest in my idea for three years, I have been working solo on this concept for at least this long. Although my proof-of-concept is still incomplete, I believe it currently can demonstrate to the educated onlooker that Clique Space is certainly plausible. Subsequent to my coining the term Clique (and apparently Clique Space for that matter), I have learned that current research in biological neural systems is beginning to gravitate toward these notions, and has adopted these terms to describe similar phenomena.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Clique Space(TM) Progress Report.

Development has been progressing steadily for nearly 3.5 years. Now I'm observing a lot of the application logic coming together. I didn't realise that so many of the dilemma's I had thought I couldn't give time to get a handle on have appeared to resolve themselves. This thing's looking good.

For instance, I can call up any Element in my Client Device, and render it (currently only to a console display - but I feel confident this will apply equally to a GUI) at will, without having to tell the Client Device what type of Element it should expect. Such a thing only became possible since I implemented the identifier, transmitter, and renderer components. I'm almost ready to move back to the Agent Collaboration.

I'm going to commit this revision 494 to the codebase tomorrow. It's 4:30 in the morning, and I'm losing my sense of time's even passage. I'm going to put 15k under my pins in a slow easy jog tomorrow and I might even work Heaslip St into the routine which might push it closer to 20k - I'm getting a bit paunchy. Should stop pushing beef rogan josh through my system... I've let things slip.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Undisclosed Element and the [Tendrils] of Code Coupling.

I'll disclose some code here. It's my code, so I'm free to do this. These code disclosures are meant to elicit interest and hopefully a response by people who may be interested in what I'm doing. That's the theory; I don't know the reader's mind, but one hopes the reader is one who has scruples enough to honour the fact that this idea is mine, and who will respect the fact that I have patented it.

This post, and the code disclosed therein demonstrate how complicated structural parameterisation can sometimes be; something of what some have come to see as a nuisance about Java. Java parameterises classes and interfaces through a mechanism called generic declarations. There's a lot about what a generic declaration is, so I'll leave it to the curious - but hitherto ignorant - reader to discover this wonderland. However, I need to put the mechanism into context here: generics bind one Java element (object, class, interface) to one or more others. When a class or interface is declared with a generic declaration that refers to another class or interface, objects of both classes or interfaces are bound by a "contract" which depends on some mutually recognised generic property.

Now, all this means that one or more objects is being structurally bound to others - increasing the objects' degree of coupling. This doesn't appeal to purist doctrine but there are plenty of times where this structural binding is absolutely necessary. My seven-Element (to be six-Element eventually - but that's another story) Client Device structure is one of these times.

The Client Device is loosely based around an arrangement of seven distinct, but related, Element types. At least one of each of these Element types are necessary to express one Client Device. Hence, one should be totally unsurprised to imagine that there would be a high degree of coupling between these Elements. Each element encapsulates a property of any device which is connected to a Clique Space(TM), so each Element describes only a part of the Client Device. Hence, the Client Device (the abstract representation of any device in Clique Space) and its constituent Elements is a prime component of the Clique Space concept. This particular Client Device mechanism was the epiphany I had in mid-2004 while jogging.

Working with generics in my implementation, I can see why some might become dismayed with what can sometimes become an intractable exercise that generates compile-time errors of sometimes frustratingly obscure origin. It almost seems that even a powerful IDE cannot help ease one's frustrations when it comes to getting code involving generics to compile. The relationships generics create do not appear to me to have an easily way to be visualised, so one really has to be careful and patient when one has to manage generic relationships between approximately 30 classes and interfaces - a structure not only as described, but a whole structure of subinterfaces, and their implementations for Elements as they manifest on the administrator Client Device, and the Agent Device.

Still, if one exercises patience against a solid application model defined around a clear concept, one can navigate through what may seem like a maze of these coupling relationships.

The massaged code snippet that I disclose is of a class called an undisclosed Element. This class is intended to be a substitute on the Client Device for situations where information about projected Elements and their identifiers is known to be missing, and this information cannot appear on the device's View, or persisted to a device activity audit log. Hence, the undisclosed Element and its identifier are used as place-holders whenever an Element or its identifier are known not to be projected. Instances of non disclosure could be the result of a lack of Limiting Constraint affinity between the user doing the viewing and the user being viewed, or if the user of a device collaborating with others isn't themselves connected to the same Clique Space or a federated neighbour Clique Space capable of sharing information about the user being viewed, or where the operator of the serving Agent Device to which the View device is connected has insufficient Limiting Constraint affinity; even though the operator of the View device may themselves, have sufficient affinity.

Instances where Elements might not be disclosed include, say, a user who lets you know what device they're using, and how they're using it, but not who they are (one can see that the Active Affiliation, Connection, Affiliation, Account Profile, and Media Profile are disclosed, but no Account has been likewise disclosed). At other times, say, a user may let you know who they are when you're letting them know who you are in some situations. In these cases, the Account may be disclosed for times when the particular user lets you know who they are, but in situations where they don't, an identifier relating neither the connection nor affiliation to their account will be likewise disclosed. So near, yet so far... and so very flexible.

In any situations where partial or non disclosure of Elements is apparent, the Client Device substitutes its undisclosed Element. This Element must have an interface that is compatible with every type of Element. It must therefore be structurally coupled to each Element's interface, expressing specific behaviour of the undisclosed Element which is compatible with all of the other disclosed Elements in terms of how a particular undisclosed Element's type is represented.

So, here it is in all its syntactic glory - a compromise to accommodate the apparent limitations of this web log. I also think HTML is a distraction that is not worthy of me.
 39 /**
40 *
41 * @author owen
42 */
43 public class UndisclosedElement
44 extends NonLocalElementImpl<
45 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
46 ?extends NonLocalElement,
47 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
48 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
49 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
50 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
51 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
52 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
53 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
54 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
55 UndisclosedIdentifier,
56 IdentifierTransmitter,
57 ElementToken>
58 implements
59 NonLocalAccount<
60 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
61 ?extends NonLocalElement,
62 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
63 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
64 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
65 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
66 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
67 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
68 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
69 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
70 UndisclosedIdentifier,
71 IdentifierTransmitter,
72 ElementToken,
73 NonLocalAccountProfileNode<
74 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
75 ?extends AccountProfileNodeIdentifier,
76 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
77 ?extends ElementToken,
78 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
79 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
80 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile>,
81 NonLocalMediaProfileNode<
82 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
83 ?extends MediaProfileNodeIdentifier,
84 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
85 ?extends ElementToken,
86 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
87 ?extends NonLocalConnection,
88 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile>,
89 NonLocalAffiliation<
90 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
91 ?extends AffiliationIdentifier,
92 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
93 ?extends ElementToken,
94 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
95 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
96 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation>,
97 NonLocalConnection<
98 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
99 ?extends ConnectionIdentifier,
100 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
101 ?extends ElementToken,
102 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
103 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
104 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation>>,
105 NonLocalAccountProfile<
106 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
107 ?extends NonLocalElement,
108 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
109 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
110 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
111 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
112 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
113 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
114 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
115 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
116 UndisclosedIdentifier,
117 IdentifierTransmitter,
118 ElementToken,
119 NonLocalAccount<
120 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
121 ?extends AccountIdentifier,
122 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
123 ?extends ElementToken,
124 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
125 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
126 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
127 ?extends NonLocalConnection>,
128 NonLocalAffiliation<
129 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
130 ?extends AffiliationIdentifier,
131 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
132 ?extends ElementToken,
133 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
134 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
135 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation>>,
136 NonLocalAccountProfileNode<
137 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
138 ?extends NonLocalElement,
139 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
140 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
141 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
142 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
143 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
144 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
145 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
146 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
147 UndisclosedIdentifier,
148 IdentifierTransmitter,
149 ElementToken,
150 NonLocalAccount<
151 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
152 ?extends AccountIdentifier,
153 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
154 ?extends ElementToken,
155 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
156 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
157 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
158 ?extends NonLocalConnection>,
159 NonLocalAffiliation<
160 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
161 ?extends AffiliationIdentifier,
162 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
163 ?extends ElementToken,
164 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
165 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
166 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation>,
167 NonLocalAccountProfile<
168 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
169 ?extends AccountProfileIdentifier,
170 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
171 ?extends ElementToken,
172 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
173 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation>>,
174 NonLocalAccountProfileRoot<
175 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
176 ?extends NonLocalElement,
177 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
178 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
179 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
180 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
181 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
182 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
183 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
184 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
185 UndisclosedIdentifier,
186 IdentifierTransmitter,
187 ElementToken,
188 NonLocalAccount<
189 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
190 ?extends AccountIdentifier,
191 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
192 ?extends ElementToken,
193 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
194 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
195 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
196 ?extends NonLocalConnection>,
197 NonLocalAffiliation<
198 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
199 ?extends AffiliationIdentifier,
200 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
201 ?extends ElementToken,
202 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
203 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
204 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation>>,
205 NonLocalActiveAffiliation<
206 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
207 ?extends NonLocalElement,
208 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
209 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
210 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
211 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
212 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
213 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
214 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
215 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
216 UndisclosedIdentifier,
217 IdentifierTransmitter,
218 ElementToken,
219 NonLocalAffiliation<
220 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
221 ?extends AffiliationIdentifier,
222 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
223 ?extends ElementToken,
224 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
225 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
226 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation>,
227 NonLocalConnection<
228 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
229 ?extends ConnectionIdentifier,
230 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
231 ?extends ElementToken,
232 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
233 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
234 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation>,
235 NonLocalParticipant<
236 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
237 ?extends ParticipantIdentifier,
238 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
239 ?extends ElementToken,
240 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
241 ?extends NonLocalClique>>,
242 NonLocalAffiliation<
243 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
244 ?extends NonLocalElement,
245 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
246 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
247 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
248 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
249 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
250 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
251 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
252 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
253 UndisclosedIdentifier,
254 IdentifierTransmitter,
255 ElementToken,
256 NonLocalAccount<
257 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
258 ?extends AccountIdentifier,
259 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
260 ?extends ElementToken,
261 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
262 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
263 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
264 ?extends NonLocalConnection>,
265 NonLocalAccountProfileNode<
266 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
267 ?extends AccountProfileNodeIdentifier,
268 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
269 ?extends ElementToken,
270 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
271 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
272 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile>,
273 NonLocalActiveAffiliation<
274 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
275 ?extends ActiveAffiliationIdentifier,
276 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
277 ?extends ElementToken,
278 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
279 ?extends NonLocalConnection,
280 ?extends NonLocalParticipant>>,
281 NonLocalConnection<
282 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
283 ?extends NonLocalElement,
284 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
285 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
286 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
287 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
288 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
289 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
290 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
291 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
292 UndisclosedIdentifier,
293 IdentifierTransmitter,
294 ElementToken,
295 NonLocalAccount<
296 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
297 ?extends AccountIdentifier,
298 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
299 ?extends ElementToken,
300 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
301 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
302 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
303 ?extends NonLocalConnection>,
304 NonLocalMediaProfileNode<
305 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
306 ?extends MediaProfileNodeIdentifier,
307 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
308 ?extends ElementToken,
309 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
310 ?extends NonLocalConnection,
311 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile>,
312 NonLocalActiveAffiliation<
313 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
314 ?extends ActiveAffiliationIdentifier,
315 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
316 ?extends ElementToken,
317 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
318 ?extends NonLocalConnection,
319 ?extends NonLocalParticipant>>,
320 NonLocalMediaProfile<
321 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
322 ?extends NonLocalElement,
323 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
324 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
325 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
326 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
327 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
328 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
329 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
330 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
331 UndisclosedIdentifier,
332 IdentifierTransmitter,
333 ElementToken,
334 NonLocalAccount<
335 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
336 ?extends AccountIdentifier,
337 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
338 ?extends ElementToken,
339 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
340 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
341 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
342 ?extends NonLocalConnection>,
343 NonLocalConnection<
344 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
345 ?extends ConnectionIdentifier,
346 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
347 ?extends ElementToken,
348 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
349 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
350 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation>>,
351 NonLocalMediaProfileRoot<
352 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
353 ?extends NonLocalElement,
354 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
355 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
356 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
357 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
358 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
359 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
360 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
361 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
362 UndisclosedIdentifier,
363 IdentifierTransmitter,
364 ElementToken,
365 NonLocalAccount<
366 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
367 ?extends AccountIdentifier,
368 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
369 ?extends ElementToken,
370 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
371 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
372 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
373 ?extends NonLocalConnection>,
374 NonLocalConnection<
375 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
376 ?extends ConnectionIdentifier,
377 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
378 ?extends ElementToken,
379 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
380 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
381 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation>>,
382 NonLocalMediaProfileNode<
383 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
384 ?extends NonLocalElement,
385 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
386 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
387 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
388 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
389 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
390 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
391 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
392 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
393 UndisclosedIdentifier,
394 IdentifierTransmitter,
395 ElementToken,
396 NonLocalAccount<
397 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
398 ?extends AccountIdentifier,
399 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
400 ?extends ElementToken,
401 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,
402 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
403 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
404 ?extends NonLocalConnection>,
405 NonLocalConnection<
406 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
407 ?extends ConnectionIdentifier,
408 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
409 ?extends ElementToken,
410 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
411 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
412 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation>,
413 NonLocalMediaProfile<
414 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
415 ?extends MediaProfileIdentifier,
416 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
417 ?extends ElementToken,
418 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
419 ?extends NonLocalConnection>>,
420 NonLocalParticipant<
421 NonLocalCliqueSpace<
422 ?extends NonLocalElement,
423 ?extends NonLocalAccount,
424 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,
425 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,
426 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,
427 ?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
428 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
429 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
430 ?extends NonLocalClique>,
431 UndisclosedIdentifier,
432 IdentifierTransmitter,
433 ElementToken,
434 NonLocalActiveAffiliation<
435 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
436 ?extends ActiveAffiliationIdentifier,
437 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,
438 ?extends ElementToken,
439 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,
440 ?extends NonLocalConnection,
441 ?extends NonLocalParticipant>,
442 NonLocalClique<
443 ?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,
444 ?extends NonLocalCliqueSpace,
445 ?extends NonLocalParticipant>>
446 {


700 }
I will not disclose the entire body of this class. You might find that a relief, but I will at least disclose one of the overridden methods which contains a not uncommonly long signature.
541     @Override
542 public AffiliationIdentifier[]getAffiliationIdentifiers(NonLocalAccountextends NonLocalCliqueSpace,?extends AccountIdentifier,
543 ?extends IdentifierTransmitter,?extends ElementToken,?extends NonLocalAccountProfileNode,?extends NonLocalMediaProfileNode,
544 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,?extends NonLocalConnection>account,NonLocalCliqueSpaceextends NonLocalElement,?extends NonLocalAccount,
545 ?extends NonLocalAccountProfile,?extends NonLocalAccountProfileRoot,?extends NonLocalMediaProfile,?extends NonLocalMediaProfileRoot,
546 ?extends NonLocalAffiliation,?extends NonLocalActiveAffiliation,?extends NonLocalClique>cliqueSpace) throws CliqueSpaceException {
547 AffiliationIdentifier[]afia={this.getAffiliationIdentifier()};
548 return afia;
549 }

Indeed, it's a bit bewildering, but apparently necessary. If you observe the relationship between the definition of this undisclosed Element and all the other Elements given in the class declaration, the pattern shows that the concept is strong, uniform, consistent, and efficacious. At least, that's what I'm asserting. Likewise, I assert this class discloses a very small part of an implementation of a novel and unique concept.